Kirk Degiorgio
3 augustus 2018
NaamKirk Degiorgio
Functie18 × DJ
AliasAs One
Geboortedatum22 oktober
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
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One of the most respected DJ/Producers in the world, Kirk Degiorgio began his DJ career aged 15 in his adopted hometown of Ipswich, Suffolk in the UK.

Raised on a musical diet of disco, funk and electro - Kirk would spin sets on borrowed 1200's for the local B-Boys at break-dance contests before moving on to his first club night Sweat in 1986.

Moving back to his birthplace of London, Kirk worked for Reckless Records - seeking out rare and undiscovered vinyl on trips to the US. After a chance meeting with Derrick May at a UK Inner City gig, Kirk made the trip to Detroit in 1990 and hooked up with legendary artist Juan Atkins,

Inspired by the studio setups at Metroplex and Transmat, Kirk sold his vast vinyl collection to fund his own equipment - locking himself away for six months before emerging with his first EP on UK techno imprint B12 in 1991.

Uitgaansagenda Kirk Degiorgio

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 19 oktober 2019: Dockyard Festival, Havenpark, Amsterdam


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